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Publication List

19. High-Precision Single-Molecule Characterization of the Folding of an HIV RNA Hairpin by Atomic Force Microscopy
Robert Walder, William J. Van Patten, Dustin B. Ritchie, Rebecca K. Montange, Ty W. Miller, Michael T. Woodside, and Thomas T. Perkins
Nano Letters, 18 (10), 6318-6325 (2018)

18. Going Vertical to Improve the Accuracy of Atomic Force Microscopy Based Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy
Robert Walder, William J. Van Patten, Ayush Adhikari, and Thomas T. Perkins
ACS Nano, 12 (1), 198-207 (2018)

17. Improved Free-Energy Landscape Quantification Illustrated with a Computationally Designed Protein-Ligand Interaction
William J. Van Patten+, Robert Walder+, Ayush Adhikari, Christine E. Tinberg, David Baker, and Thomas T. Perkins
Chem Phys Chem, 19 (1), 19-23 (2018)

16. Rapid Characterization of a Mechanically Labile α-helical Protein Enabled by Efficient Site-Specific Bioconjugation
Robert Walder+, Marc-Andre LeBlanc+, William John Van Patten, Devin Edwards, Jacob A Greenberg, Ayush Adhikari, Stephen R. Okoniewski, Ruby May Arana Sullan, David Rabuka, Marcelo Carlos Sousa, and Thomas T. Perkins
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (29), 9867–9875 (2017)

15. Optimizing 1-μs-Resolution Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy on a Commercial AFM
Devin T. Edwards, Jaevyn K. Faulk, Aric W. Sanders, Matthew S. Bull, Robert Walder, Marc-Andre LeBlanc, Marcelo C. Sousa, Thomas T. Perkins  
Nano Letters, 15 (10), 7091-098 (2015)

14. An Ultra-Stable Measurement Platform: Sub Nanometer Drift for Hours in 3D at Room Temperature
Robert Walder, D. Hern Paik, Matthew S. Bull, Carl Sauer, Thomas T. Perkins
Optics Express 23 (13), 16554-16564 (2015)
(Highlighted in M.I.T. Technology Review and Spotlight on Optics)

13. Interfacial Protein-Protein Associations
Blake B. Langdon, Mark Kastantin, Robert Walder and Daniel K. Schwartz
Biomacromolecules, 15 (1), 66-74 (2013)

12. Single Molecule Characterization of Hydrophobic Interactions using Fatty Acids on Alkyl Self-Assembled Monolayers
Nathaniel Nelson, Robert Walder and Daniel K. Schwartz             
Langmuir, 28 (33), 12108–12113 (2012)  

11. Identifying the Mechanisms of Interfacial Dynamics Using Single-Molecule Tracking
Mark Kastantin+, Robert Walder+, and Daniel K. Schwartz
Langmuir, 38 (34), 12443-12456 (2012)

10. High Throughput Single Molecule Tracking for Analysis of Rare Populations and Events
Robert Walder+, Mark Kastantin+ and Daniel K. Schwartz
Analyst, 137 (13), 2987 – 2996 (2012)

9. Stokes–Einstein and desorption-mediated diffusion of protein molecules at the oil–water interface
Indira Sriram, Robert Walder, and Daniel K. Schwartz
Soft Matter, 8 (22), 6000-6003 (2012)     

8. Super-Resolution Surface Mapping using the Trajectories of Molecular Probes
Robert Walder, Nathaniel Nelson, and Daniel K. Schwartz            
Nature Communications 2, 515 (2011)
(Highlighted in Materials Research Society Bulletin, 37 , pp 105-105)

7. Single molecule observations of desorption-mediated diffusion at the solid-liquid interface
Robert Walder, Nathaniel Nelson, and Daniel K. Schwartz
Physical Review Letters 107, 156102 (2011)
(Highlighted in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, v22,8)

6. Dynamics of Protein Aggregation at the Oil-Water Interface Characterized by Single Molecule TIRF Microscopy
Robert Walder and Daniel K. Schwartz
Soft Matter, 7 (17), 7616-7622 (2011)

5. Phospholipid Diffusion at the Oil-Water Interface
Robert Walder, Andrei Honciuc and Daniel K. Schwartz
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114 (35), pp 11484–11488 (2010)

4. Single Molecule Observations of Multiple Protein Populations at the Oil-Water Interface
Robert Walder and Daniel K. Schwartz
Langmuir, 26 (16) pp 13364-13367 (2010)

3. Directed Nanoparticle Motion on an Interfacial Free Energy Gradient
Robert Walder, Andrei Honciuc and Daniel K. Schwartz
Langmuir, 26 (3), pp 1501–1503 (2010)

2. Combined macro- and micro-rheometer for use with Langmuir monolayers
Robert Walder, Christoph Schmidt and Michael Dennin
Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 063905 (2008)

1. Rheology of two-dimensional F-actin networks associated with a lipid interface
Robert Walder, Alex Levine, and Michael Dennin
Physical Review E, 77, 011909 (2008)
(Highlighted in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, v.15,3)